Heat wave! Street life in Kyiv on the day of the fiercest July heat — and during blackouts. Photo report

Glib Gusiev
Heat wave! Street life in Kyiv on the day of the fiercest July heat — and during blackouts. Photo report

People ride snowmobiles along the Rusaniv Canal.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

The middle of July in Ukraine became a time of merciless heat and planned blackouts. On behalf of Babel, photographer Lisa Bukreyeva went to the streets of Kyiv on the day when the temperature reached its peak: on July 17, the air temperature was +35.6 °C and set a historical record. This is what she saw.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

Children play in the fountain near Arsenalna underground station.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

People rest in Hydropark.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

Open-air sports ground in Hydropark.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

People rest in Hydropark.

People rest in Hydropark.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

A couple lies on the lawn near the Dniprovska embankment.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

Children play basketball on the street playground in Pozniaky district.

Children play basketball on the street playground in Pozniaky district.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

Children play football at the backyard stadium in Osokorky district.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

Bar Squat 17b near the park named after Taras Shevchenko.

Bar Squat 17b near the park named after Taras Shevchenko.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

Sunset at the River Mall.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»

A woman walks her dog during a blackout.

Lisa Bukreyeva / «Бабель»