Kateryna Kobernyk


Kateryna Kobernyk

I graduated from the history faculty of Kyiv National University in 2004, dreaming of teaching history to students. But the Orange Revolution happened, and my journalism career began. For the past 14 years, I wrote about politics in Korrespondent weekly, edited articles in Focus magazine, developed Forbes.ua news website, and managed the news giant TSN.ua for five years. In 2017, I decided that the country lacked Babel (at that time it existed in my head under the working name It), and in 2018, we launched it together with Glib Gusev. Soon after Volodymyr Zelensky was elected president, we closed. Then we restarted again. Then there was covid and that day — February 24, 2022. We have a catchphrase in our team: "We didn't live well, so we shouldn't even start," but in fact, we should. We will win and start then.

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