Four thousand Ukrainian families have already benefited from the “eHouse” program

Sofiia Telishevska

Four thousand Ukrainian families have already taken advantage of the "eHouse" program, received mortgage loans and have the opportunity to purchase housing. In total, loans for UAH 5.8 billion have already been issued.

The Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Nadiya Bihun informed about this.

  • 69% of loans were received by military personnel and security forces;
  • 13% – teachers and scientists;
  • 10% — doctors.

"Representatives of these professions can take a loan under the program at 3% since October last year. And since August of this year, we have launched a mass mortgage, and all Ukrainians who do not have their own home or need to improve their living conditions can get a loan. As of today, 8% of the total number of mortgage loans under the program have been issued at exactly 7%," Bihun noted.

Most often, loans were taken for the purchase of housing on the secondary market (118 loans) and from the developer (37). Also, two Ukrainians took out loans for the purchase of apartments under construction.

Residents took the most mortgage loans:

  • Kyiv region – 44;
  • the city of Kyiv – 28;
  • Rivne region – 14;
  • Dnipropetrovsk region – 12;
  • Lviv and Odesa regions — 9 each.

Today, both representatives of certain professions and citizens who do not own a home or want to improve its conditions can use the affordable lending program.

For servicemen of the Armed Forces under contract, teachers, doctors and scientists, the preferential rate is 3% per annum. For other categories — combatants, veterans, internally displaced persons (IDPs) — the mortgage rate is 7%.

What is "eHouse" ["eOselya"]?

The state program "eHouse" began in October last year, it gives Ukrainians the opportunity to purchase a home with a minimum down payment of 20% and credit for a term of up to 20 years.

The program of the Ministry of Economy is implemented jointly with the Ministry of Information and Communications and PrJSC "Ukrfinzhytlo". The partners of "eHouse" are: "Oschadbank", "Privatbank", "Ukrgasbank", "Globus Bank", "Sky Bank" and "Ukreximbank".