Biden unfroze the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico, because Congress refused to direct this money to other needs

Sofiia Telishevska

Due to the flow of migrants, US President Joe Biden informed about the resumption of construction of the wall on the border with Mexico.

White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre recalled that Biden, in his election campaign, promised to stop the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico if he became president. After the victory, it happened, but now the construction is being unfrozen. The money was allocated for this back in 2019 during the presidency of Donald Trump, and Congress refused to direct it for other needs.

So Biden said he "canʼt stop construction" because the law requires the funding to be used and completed in 2023.

Homeland Security Minister Alejandro Mayorkas said that a new part of the wall will be built in the sector of the Rio Grande Valley on the border with Mexico. About 245,000 cases of illegal entry into the United States were registered there during the year.

  • It will be recalled that in 2019, the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump declared a state of emergency on the southern border, which allowed him to bypass Congress and use military funds for the construction of the wall (he signed the corresponding decree in 2017). About $25 billion was spent on this project.