Intelligence: The leader of the occupied Luhansk oblast announced a two-stage mobilization and search for deserters

Sofiia Telishevska

In the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk oblast, the Russians are trying to conduct a "general mobilization" and are searching for their deserters, intelligence reports.

They also inform that the head of the terrorist "LNR" Pasichnik announced a two-stage mobilization.

First, there will be a mobilization of the population that has received passports of the LNR and the Russian Federation, and also corresponds to specific military accounting specialties, and then all others. It was announced that the mobilization measures will begin on September 1.

In addition, Russian Guardsmen have already arrived in occupied Dovzhansk (formerly Sverdlovsk) to search for and detain deserters in the ranks of servicemen from the "L/DNR" and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They have already searched the head of the occupation administration, Dovzhansk collaborator Andrii Sukhachev.