In the first round of elections to the Seimas of Lithuania, the opposition Social Democrats are in the lead

Liza Brovko

The first round of parliamentary elections took place in Lithuania. It is led by the opposition Social Democratic Party, headed by Vilija Blinkevičiūtė.

The Lithuanian broadcaster LRT writes about it.

The Central Election Commission calculated that 19.3% of voters voted for the Social Democrats. The ruling party "Homeland Union — Lithuanian Christian Democrats" is in second place with almost 18% of the votes, with the leader Gabrielus Landsbergis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. And the “Dawn of the Nemunas” party, led by Remigius Zhemaitaitis, is in third place with 15%.

All these parties support Ukraine in the war, and also support increased defense spending.

The center-left opposition Social Democratic Party of Lithuania will try to form a coalition government together with two other left-wing parties after the parliamentary elections, says Blinkevičiute.

52.1% of voters took part in the first round of voting. The next round will be held on October 27. 141 MPs are to be elected to the Seimas for four years.

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