The government approved the composition of the competitive commission of the Bureau of Economic Security. Who is in the list

Olha Bereziuk

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the composition of the competitive commission for the selection of the director of the Bureau of Economic Security (BES). Six people joined the commission.

The MP from "Voice" Yaroslav Zheleznyak reported this.

From the government in the commission:

  • Oleh Serhiyovych Hylyaka — the Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary, the head of the Strategic Development Department of the National Academy of Legal Sciences;
  • Tetyana Oleksandrivna Matselyk — professor of the Department of Financial and Tax Law of the State Tax University;
  • Yury Anatoliyovych Ponomarenko — the head of the Department of Criminal Law at Yaroslav the Wise National University of Law.

From international partners:

  • James Wasserstrom — the founder and executive director of Integrity and Refuge Foundation (Toronto, Canada), founder and executive director/senior consultant of the “Wasserstrorri” Group (Thessaloniki, Greece);
  • Donatas Malaskevičius — the head of the Liaison Bureau of the Lithuanian Police at Europol, an expert on corruption prevention of the EU Project on strengthening the stability of Integrated Border Management in Ukraine;
  • Laura Stefan — the founder and executive director of the Expert Forum (EFOR), an international expert on anti-corruption reform for the European Commission, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Program.

Why is this important?

On June 20, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading the draft law on the restart of BES. The draft law provides for mandatory re-certification of employees, and also establishes that international partners will have a decisive vote in the selection and re-certification of employees.

The draft law also provides that the new head of BES should be elected by a commission of six members, half of whom are international experts with the right to a decisive vote.

Restarting the Bureau of Economic Security is one of the conditions for Ukraine in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) extended financing program. Support from the EU is tied to this reform.

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