Former MP Kryuchkov was declared an international wanted man

Olha Bereziuk

The High Anti-Corruption Court (HAAC) partially granted the request of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office (SAP) and declared ex-MP Dmytro Kryuchkov on the international wanted list.

This was reported by the human rights organization Transparency International Ukraine.

Lawyer Mazalov stopped going to meetings, and Kryuchkov was appointed a free lawyer. But last time, the accused himself did not appear at the meeting without explaining the reasons.

Because of this, today the prosecutor filed a motion to search for Kryuchkov, and earlier the court tried to bring the ex-MP to the meeting. The prosecutor plans to file a motion for the case to be heard in absentia.

It is known that the ex-MP left Ukraine on February 15, 2024 and has not returned since then. He has five children, which allows him to leave Ukraine without obstacles. Next, Kryuchkov joined the meetings online.

The Transparency International Ukraine notes that Kryuchkov brought a cameraman to the meeting, who is filming a film about presiding judge Kruk.

What business is it about?

Kryuchkov is charged with two episodes of causing losses to “Zaporizhzhiaoblenergo” and “Cherkasyoblenergo” by transferring debts between the companies. They relate to the period when Kryuchkov held the position of chairman of the board of PrJSC "Energomerezhi Holding Company".

The total losses to energy supply companies in the case exceed 1.5 billion hryvnias, of which more than 315 million were compensated during the pre-trial investigation.

The former MP hid from the investigation for almost three years, he was extradited from Germany on the eve of the presidential elections in 2019. In the same year, he was sent to custody, but later he was released on bail.

Kryuchkov was an MP from April 2006 to November 2007 from the “Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc”.

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