”How to live and what path to follow — only Ukraine and Ukrainians will determine for themselves.” Zelensky congratulated on the 33rd anniversary of independence

Olha Bereziuk

In his address on the occasion of Independence Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that sooner or later a Ukrainian response will arrive at every point of the Russian Federation, which is a source of danger for Ukraine and Ukrainians.

The appeal was filmed on the territory of the Sumy region, which borders the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, where the operation of the Defense Forces has been ongoing since the beginning of the month.

"We will not allow the land where the blue-yellow flag should be by right to be turned into a gray area. The sick grandfather from Red Square, who constantly threatens everyone with a red button, will not dictate to us some of his red lines. How to live, what path to follow and what choice to make — only Ukraine and Ukrainians will determine for themselves. Because thatʼs how independence works," he says in his address.

The President thanked everyone who helps Ukrainian soldiers and the state in general, everyone who lives and works so that independence works and lives.

"We know what independence looks like. On the morning of February 24, she was in our sights. Today, independence is in the trenches in all directions. It is in our cities and villages: in every episode, when we find the best in ourselves, we find Ukraine in ourselves and fight for it. Independence today has weary eyes that have seen everything... Independence goes down into the vault in times of alarm, only to stand and rise up again and again to tell the enemy, “You canʼt do anything. You wonʼt be able to. You will not win. And you will be responsible for everything," Zelensky emphasized.