The government has opened all border crossing points for military goods

Olha Bereziuk

On August 2, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution on simplifying the supply of military goods across the border of Ukraine.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Finance.

The resolution provides for the opening of all checkpoints on the border of Ukraine for military goods, in particular those coming from partner states.

Previously, such goods could be transported only through 9 road points and 9 railway points on the border with the EU (a total of 18 and 14, respectively), as well as 10 road and 8 railway points on the border with Moldova (a total of 41 and 8).

Also, now enterprises that ensure the defense capability of the state, during the movement of goods, will be able to:

  • avoid complications due to force majeure related to the blocking of checkpoints across the border of Ukraine;
  • optimize the logistics of supplying military goods, which will save time and money.