The EU allocated a €100 million grant to the “Ukrenergo” for the restoration and protection of facilities

Kostia Andreikovets

The European Union (EU) allocated €100 million in grant funds to the “Ukrenergo” company for the restoration and protection of energy facilities.

This was reported by the press service of the "Ukrenergo".

"The €100 million grant agreement was signed yesterday in Kyiv by the chairman of the board of the NEC “Ukrenergo” Volodymyr Kudrytskyi and the head of the representative office of the German state development bank KfW Bankengruppe in Ukraine Lorenz Gessner" the message reads.

The funds of the special budget program of the EU Ukraine Investment Facility will go to the following projects:

  • modernization of high-voltage substations in the western regions of Ukraine, development of interstate interconnectors that connect Ukraine with the energy system of continental Europe;
  • repair and restoration of equipment destroyed or damaged by shelling, as well as purchase and supply of new equipment;
  • strengthening of physical protection of Ukrenergo substations.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, Ukrenergo has attracted more than €1.5 billion in international energy aid. In particular, the German Development Bank KfW has allocated funds for this several times.