The UN forecast: the population of Ukraine will decrease to 15.3 million by 2100

Oleksandra Amru

The population of Ukraine may decrease to 15.3 million people by 2100.

This is stated in the revision of world population forecasts for 2024, prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the UN Secretariat.

According to the UN, as of January 1, 2024, the population of Ukraine was 37 million 441 thousand people.

The UN predicts that the population of Ukraine will grow to 39.7 million by 2026, after which the number of people in the country will begin to decrease every year.

In 2050, Ukraine is predicted to have a population of 32 million 165 thousand. In 2069 — 25.1 million, in 2081 — 20.9 million, in 2091 — 17.7 million. And already in 2100, the population may be 15.3 million.

At the same time, the population of the Earth, according to UN forecasts, will reach its maximum in this century by 2084 and will amount to 10.3 billion people.

As predicted by the UN, the average life expectancy by the end of the 21st century will be 81.7 years. At the same time, if men will live a little less than 80 years on average, then women will live almost 84 years.