The government has expanded the list of those who can receive payments in the event of the death of military personnel

Liza Brovko

The Cabinet of Ministers has expanded the list of those who can receive payments for the death of military and police officers.

This was reported by the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk.

Now the following will also be able to receive one-time cash assistance:

  • women and men who lived with a military man without marriage registration;
  • grandchildren of a deceased (deceased) military person, provided that their parents are deceased;
  • children born after the death (death) of a military person.

In the new edition, the Procedure for the appointment and payment of one-time cash benefits for the death, disability or partial loss of working capacity of military personnel and police officers was laid out. We are talking about CMU Resolution No. 975 and Clause 2 of CMU Resolution No. 168.

This refers to the part of the military making a personal disposition in the event of his death, in which he determines the people who will be entitled to receive assistance, with the determination of the shares of this assistance in percentages.

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers defined the circle of those who have the right to receive one-time cash assistance in the event of the death or death of military personnel, if they have not written a personal order.

In addition, the government has prohibited the refusal of assistance on behalf of minors, minor children, people with disabilities and people with limited legal capacity.