For the first time, the National Bank of Ukraine raised the official exchange rate of the dollar above 40 hryvnias

Sofiia Telishevska

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) again raised the dollar-hryvnia exchange rate to a historic high. For the first time, the exchange rate rose above 40 hryvnias.

This is evidenced by the data of the regulator.

The official exchange rate for May 27, 2024 is set at the following level:

  • 40.1153 hryvnias for 1 dollar (+0.1948 hryvnias).
  • 43.4910 hryvnias for 1 euro (+0.1773 hryvnias).

On the interbank foreign exchange market of Ukraine, until 4:00 p.m., hryvnia to dollar quotes were set at UAH 40.14/40.17/dollar, euro — UAH 43.52/43.54/euro.

According to the data of the Ministry of Finance portal, on May 24, the average selling rate of the dollar in exchange offices as of 15:00 is UAH 40.44, and the buying rate is UAH 40.30. Euros are sold at exchangers today at an average price of UAH 43.90, and this currency is bought from the public at UAH 43.75.

Average dollar exchange rate in banks at the moment:

  • purchase — UAH 39.85/dollar;
  • sale — 40.29 hryvnias/dollar.

On May 24, “PrivatBank” buys a dollar at UAH 39.75, which is 5 kopecks more expensive than yesterday, and sells it at UAH 40.32, that is, 16 kopecks more expensive. The euro is bought at 42.9 hryvnias, sold at 43.67 hryvnias. Thus, the euro in “PrivatBank” became cheaper.