The Parliament created a commission of inquiry into the arrangement of fortifications and the need for drones

Kostia Andreikovets

The Verkhovna Rada created a temporary investigative commission (TIC) on fortifications and the purchase of drones.

277 MPs voted for Resolution No. 11282.

The MP from the "Voice" Yaroslav Zheleznyak writes that TIC will study the use of budget funds for the construction of engineering facilities and the need for drones. The representative of "Servant of the People" Mykola Zadorozhnyi was appointed as the head of the commission.

The powers of the TIC include studying the circumstances and preparing questions regarding:

  • the needs of the security and defense sector in UAVs and the formation of a state order for the production and purchase of unmanned aerial vehicles;
  • analysis of the practice of distribution, transfer, supply and taking on balance of UAVs to military units and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine;
  • arrangement of fortification structures, engineering barriers on the line of contact and targeted use of funds allocated for their arrangement.

A total of 15 MPs were included in the composition of the TIC: Zadorozhnyi ("Servant of the People"), his deputy Mykhailo Tsimbalyuk ("Motherland"); "Servant of the People" Andriy Bohdanets, Elizaveta Bogutska, Oleksandr Horenyuk, Oleksiy Zhmerenetskyi, Dmytro Kostyuk, Ihor Marchuk, and Oleksandr Fedienko; from “Eurosolidarity” Mykhailo Bondar, from “Platform for Life and Peace” (former pro-Russian banned OPZZh) Vitaliy Bort, from “Restoring Ukraine” (former OPZZh) Anatoly Burmich, from “Voice” Roman Kostenko, from the “Trust” group Serhiy Minko, from "For the Future" Serhii Rudyk.

TIC should work for a year. Its members must submit a report on their work no later than six months after the date of formation.