Poland is investing $2.5 billion in strengthening the border with Russia and Belarus

Liza Brovko

Poland will allocate 10 billion zlotys ($2.5 billion) to strengthen its borders with Russia and Belarus to deter potential aggression.

This was reported by the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, reports Bloomberg.

The plan to strengthen the borders was called "Eastern Shield". It includes the construction of new fortifications, fences, terrain changes and special forests along the 400-kilometer land border.

According to Donald Tusk, the government is already working on projects.

"We want our border to be secure in peacetime and impassable in wartime," he added.

The move comes against the backdrop of another wave of illegal migrants from Belarus, who are not deterred by the 5.5-meter border fence, and the threat of Russian aggression, which has become a leading theme of the election campaign of Polandʼs ruling coalition.