The Verkhovna Rada proposes to give budget funds for party financing to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Olha Bereziuk

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Ukrainian Parliament) registered draft law No. 11189, which proposes to transfer funds allocated for political parties to defense needs.

This was reported in the press service of the "Voice" parliamentary faction.

The initiators of the project were peopleʼs deputies from the "Voice", "Servant of the People" factions and the "For the Future" and "Trust" parliamentary groups.

The project proposes that during the period of martial law, all state budget expenditures directed to the state financial support of political parties should be fully allocated to defense needs, namely:

  • on the activities of the Armed Forces;
  • mobilization and mobilization training;
  • medical provision of personnel;
  • development, procurement, modernization and repair of weapons, military equipment, means and equipment.

As noted by one of the authors of the draft law, the MP Oleksandr Ustinov from the "Voice", only in 2024, about 800 million hryvnias were allocated from the state budget to finance parties.

In particular, 439 million hryvnias are provided for the financing of "Servant of the People", "European Solidarity" — 126 million hryvnias, "Motherland" — 83 million hryvnias. Also this year, state financing of the "Voice" party will be restored, to which 120 million hryvnias will be paid over three years.

In January, a petition was registered on the presidentʼs website with a similar proposal — to direct most of the state funding of political parties to the needs of the Defense Forces. It has already collected 25 000 signatures.