In Ukraine, an “Iron training ground” will be created for testing new weapons

Kostia Andreikovets

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with the Ministry of Strategic Industries, will create an "Iron Training Ground", where domestic manufacturers will be able to conduct tests of weapons samples at any stage of their readiness.

This was announced by the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Colonel Andriy Lebedenko, the Center for Strategic Communications of the Armed Forces reports.

It is planned to create three directions within the "Iron Range" project: testing of robotic systems, drones, and electronic warfare systems.

He added that now there are many weapon manufacturers in Ukraine who are actively creating new types of weapons for our soldiers. However, the current system provides for complex procedures for registration of access to tests on test sites for manufacturers.

The main goal is to reduce the time for the production of new weapons. Lebedenko says that any manufacturer at any stage of production will be able to apply to the Armed Forces and get access to the test site. Currently, the system in force in Ukraine provides for complex procedures for registration of access to tests at test sites for manufacturers.

"We want to create this test site, which will allow the manufacturer to get access to a professional assessment of his product, guide him through the methodology of all tests, provide a site and appropriate means for evaluating the characteristics of certain means, provide assistance in the preparation of documents... We have a plan to through he started working a month ago," said Lebedenko.