US government auditors have released reports on the use of aid to Ukraine

Sofiia Telishevska

The US Government Accountability Office (US GAO), which is responsible for the governmentʼs internal audit, has released the first two reports in a series of responses to Congressional requests to direct $113 billion to respond to the devastating effects of the Russian war.

This is reported by "Voice of America".

The report also refers to assistance in the field of security, provided under two programs — under the program of presidential powers and under the Initiative to promote the security of Ukraine. According to the report, the US Ministry of Defense created new organizations to deliver an unprecedented amount of defense products to Ukraine in a short period of time.

The audit found that the Pentagon does not have clear guidelines for tracking equipment shipments, and delivery data can be inaccurate.

"We made recommendations to improve the efforts of the Ministry of Defense to ensure the tracking and proper use of American-made equipment in Ukraine," the report said.

Reports on economic, humanitarian and aid in the field of defense and security can be viewed on the Officeʼs website. And the institution also recommends a new website ,, which focuses on government-wide efforts to oversee US security, economic, humanitarian, and other assistance to Ukraine.

  • Several inspections of the use of US funds have already taken place in Ukraine — none of them confirmed significant abuses. The Ukrainian authorities take an active part in interaction with the United States on many levels to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of billions of American taxpayersʼ funds provided to Ukrainians.