The Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office leaves the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office and becomes an independent structure

Sofiia Telishevska

From now on, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office (SAP) starts work as an independent and independent body. Before that, SAP was a subdivision of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office.

According to the procedure, the special prosecutorʼs office is liquidated by the general prosecutor at the request of the head of SAP within three days from the date of receipt of such request. Thus, SAP becomes a separate legal entity under public law.

Prosecutors and other employees of SAP are transferred with their consent to the corresponding positions of prosecutors and employees of SAP according to the decision of the head of the structure and in accordance with the staff list.

SAP notes that the start of the functioning of the independent anti-corruption prosecutorʼs office will not affect the investigation of cases that are in its proceedings, or the maintenance of the state prosecution in court in criminal proceedings that are already being heard in the courts.

"The independence of SAP is primarily new opportunities in the fight against corruption and prospects for overcoming this manifestation in society," the message reads.