Last year, the EU received the largest number of applications from asylum seekers since the migrant crisis of 2015-2016

Liza Brovko

Last year, the European Union (EU) registered the largest number of asylum applications since the migrant crisis of 2015-2016.

This is reported by data from the EU Asylum Agency (EUAA).

In 2023, the countries of the European Union received 1.14 million applications for international protection, which was the maximum in the last seven years and exceeded the figure of 2022 by 18%. In 2015, there were 1.3 million such applications, and in 2016 — 1.2 million.

The largest number of applications — 181 000 and 114 000 — were submitted by citizens of Syria and Afghanistan, respectively, continuing a long-term trend. The number of applications from Palestinians also increased at the end of the year. The sharp increase in the number of asylum seekers with Turkish passports (82% more than in 2022) was unusual.

That year, Germany remained the main destination for asylum seekers and received almost a third of all applications.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians in the EU use another mechanism — they receive temporary protection. The temporary protection of Ukrainians in the EU allowed Ukrainian citizens to live legally in EU member states that joined the mechanism, to gain access to the labor market, education, health care system, social security and housing. As of the end of 2023, 4.4 million Ukrainians have temporary protection.