
“Energoatom”: The occupiers abducted the deputy general director of Zaporizhzhia NPP

Anna Kholodnova

On October 10, the Russian occupiers abducted the Deputy General Director of the Zaporizhzhia NPP Valery Martyniuk. They are holding him in an unknown location.

This was reported in the press service of “Energoatom”.

Presumably, the Russians are torturing and intimidating Martynyuk because they want to get information about the personal affairs of Zaporizhzhia NPP employees in order to force the stationʼs Ukrainian staff to work for “Rosatom” as soon as possible.

"We appeal to IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi and the entire world community to take all possible measures to immediately release Valery Martyniuk from the captivity of the Russian occupiers and return him to the performance of his duties," “Energoatom” noted.