
GUR drones destroyed two Russian boats KS-701 “Tunets” in Crimea

Kostia Andreikovets

On the night of May 30, the Group 13 Special Unit of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (known as GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine attacked two Russian KS-701 "Tunets" transport landing craft in the Crimean Bay of Vuzka.

GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports that they have been destroyed.

The boats attacked with Magura V5 kamikaze surface drones. To repel the attack, the Russians took to the sky 32 times combat aircraft (Su-27/30/35, MiG-29, Be-12, An-26 and Ka-27/29 and Mi-8 helicopters) and conducted chaotic fire from 30 -mm guns and machine guns. This did not help them — in the video published by GUR, you can see one of the boats being hit, which then explodes powerfully.

GUR adds that only since the beginning of 2024, the special unit of Group 13 has destroyed the missile ship "Ivanovets", the large landing ship "Caesar Kunikov", the corvette "Sergei Kotov" and the high-speed patrol boat "Mongoose" with Magura V5 strike drones.