
”Spreading such misinformation discredits the military”: the head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration responded to allegations about the lack of fortifications

Oleksandra Amru

After the start of a new Russian offensive on Kharkiv region on May 10, social networks actively spread information about the alleged absence of fortifications along the border section in the Kharkiv direction.

The head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, Oleg Sinegubov, said that all work on the installation of tetrahedrons with egos ("dragonʼs teeth") is scheduled for 2023-2024. According to him, the tasks defined by the military for 2023 have been fulfilled by 100%, as there are relevant conclusions of the controlling authorities.

Sinegubov says that some of the planned works were already started in 2024, but in some areas the work was suspended due to constant shelling — "they will be carried out when it is physically possible to do so."

The day before, the analytical project DeepState, which recently cooperates with the Ministry of Defense, distributed a picture from the outskirts of Lyptsi, Kharkiv region. The caption noted that the photo shows barriers that "according to the fighters, have been lying idle since the summer of 2023."

DeepState / Telegram

According to the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration Sinegubov, the photos show the remains of materials that were removed by the contractor for further installation at the request of one of the teams. He says that those remnants are 0.4% of the total work done on fences of this type.

That is, it is far from a strategic number of tetrahedrons, which, according to some bloggers, could theoretically affect the course of hostilities. Dissemination of such disinformation discredits the military and the executors of all defense works," Synegubov said.

The head of the Kharkiv State Administration reminded that on the day of the offensive of the occupying forces on Vovchansk, various reports began to spread actively: from the alleged lack of power in the region and the capture of Vovchansk to the alleged repairs of roads to Vovchansk for almost 400 million hryvnias, lack of fortifications, etc.

"All these materials came out at approximately the same time, with the same titles. This is IPSO, which is aimed at discrediting the military, the authorities, spreading chaos and enmity among Ukrainians. These are deliberately directed waves, which in some places are supported by the mass media," Sinegubov said.

Russian offensive on Kharkiv region

On the morning of May 10, Russia launched a new offensive in the Kharkiv region, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said. He emphasized that the Defense Forces knew about the plans of the occupiers in the region and were preparing a counterattack. Later, the General Staff of the Armed Forces reported that the occupiers "wedged themselves into the defense." Currently, the operational situation remains complex and dynamically changing. Currently, the battles for Vovchansk continue. So far, the enemy has had tactical success.

According to DeepState, on May 12, the enemy occupied the villages of Morokhovets, Oliynikove and Zelene and continues to move in the direction of the village of Liptsi. Active fighting continues for Lukyantsi, which the enemy has almost completely occupied. The occupiers are also trying to gain a foothold in Hlyboky and are making their way to Vovchansk. The city is under heavy shelling, the evacuation of the civilian population is ongoing.

The prosecutorʼs office reported that Russian troops captured Ukrainian civilians during the offensive in the Vovchansk community. Local residents were placed in a basement on May 11, and some of them managed to escape and reach the volunteers on May 13. The prosecutorʼs office started a pre-trial investigation into the violation of the laws and customs of war.