
The Ukrainian office of the international human rights movement Amnesty International was headed by lawyer Veronika Velch

Oleksandra Amru

Ukrainian lawyer and specialist in international lobbying Veronika Velch became the director of the Ukrainian office of the international human rights organization Amnesty International.

This was reported by Veronika Velch.

"Today, Amnesty International Ukraine is at the moment of rethinking and implementing changes. At one time, the эscandalous report on August 4э demonstrated an unpleasant but obvious fact — Ukrainians are not heard enough. Our voice has been ignored at a point of greatest vulnerability, and this is unacceptable. Time to move on. And the way out is not to exclude ourselves from global human rights processes, but on the contrary, to strengthen our positions," said Velch.

According to her, the multimillion-dollar movement of Amnesty International is exactly such a platform where Ukraine should conduct a dialogue with international participants, involving them in the joint solution of extremely complex problems, in particular regarding the protection of prisoners of war, childrenʼs rights, the return of the bodies of the dead, freedom of speech in wartime and changes in architecture international institutions.