
Another head of the “Finance and Credit” bank was suspected of embezzlement in the interests of Zhevago

Liza Brovko

The State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) has announced suspicion against the third deputy chairman of the board of the bank "Finance and Credit", who is accused of involvement in the embezzlement of billions in the interests of the "ex-oligarch owner" Kostyantyn Zhevago.

This is written by the press service of SBI.

At one time, the top manager was a deputy, and in 2015 he became the chairman of the board of Bank "Finance and Credit" JSC. He was informed of suspicion of embezzlement of property in particularly large amounts as part of a criminal organization (Part 1 of Article 255, Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code).

The figure was detained, and now the question of choosing a preventive measure for him is being decided.

At the end of last year, law enforcement officers detained two former deputy heads of the board, who were informed of suspicion under similar articles and placed in custody with the possibility of release on bail of 450 million hryvnias and 467 million hryvnias.

The case of Konstantin Zhevago

SBI is investigating the embezzlement of over 2.5 billion hryvnias of the liquidated bank "Finance and Credit". The investigation believes that the money withdrawal scheme was organized by the ex-deputy chairman of the bankʼs board, the head of one of the departments and other top managers.

During 2007-2014, the offshore company opened credit lines in foreign banks. "Finance and Credit" vouched for this company with its own funds and concluded contracts with other foreign banks in the amount of more than $113 million (2.9 billion hryvnias. In 2015, for non-fulfillment of obligations by an offshore company, foreign banks charged $113 million from the accounts of the "Finance and Credit" bank ", and the collateral was written off immediately after the bank was declared insolvent.