
SBI searched the reception room of the MP Oleksandr Dubinsky. He allegedly helped the man go abroad

Anhelina Sheremet

Alex Kuzmin / «Babel’»

On November 1, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) came to search the reception room and accomplices of the MP. Babel sources in the law enforcement agencies clarify that it is about Oleksandr Dubinsky.

Searches are being conducted in the case of the scheme of illegal departure of men of military age abroad. According to the investigation, Dubinsky organized the scheme and used his public organization "Media Defense" for this — through it, he introduced the right people into the "Shlyakh" system, allegedly as volunteers. In this way, he managed to smuggle the brother of his common-law wife abroad illegally.

According to Dubinskyʼs instructions, the relative was supposed to arrive in Chisinau, and then drive the deputyʼs personal car from the parking lot of Chisinau International Airport to Vienna, the capital of Austria.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) states that the MP kept some of the documents needed to escape outside of Ukraine from his former assistant, a deputy of the Kyiv Regional Council of the VIII convocation, as well as from his close relative.

Searches continue at the places of work and residence of those involved in the scheme, as well as at the office of a public organization, where the reception room of the MP Oleksandr Dubinsky is located.

On August 3, the Security Service of Ukraine searched Oleksandr Dubinsky to check the legality of his departure abroad. He left Ukraine allegedly to accompany his father to a foreign medical facility for treatment. However, his father went abroad and returned from there on his own. Dubinsky was suspected in this case and must wear an electronic bracelet.