
The number of victims of the Russian attack on Kramatorsk increased to 13. The writer Viktoria Amelina died

Anhelina Sheremet

In Dnipro, in Mechnikov hospital, Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina died — she became the 13th victim of the Russian attack on Kramatorsk.

This was reported by the Ukrainian PEN in the evening of July 2.

On June 27, Victoria Amelina was in Kramatorsk together with a delegation of Colombian journalists and writers. While they were having dinner at the Ria Lounge restaurant in the center of the city, the Russian occupiers hit the building with a rocket, Victoria was seriously injured.

In the summer of 2022, Victoria Amelina joined the human rights organization Truth Hounds and worked as a documenter of war crimes in the de-occupied territories. In Kapitolivka, Izyum district, Kharkiv region, she found the writer Volodymyr Vakulenko, who was shot dead by the Russians.

In 2014, Victoriaʼs debut novel "The November Syndrome, or Homo Compatiens" was published, in 2016, her first childrenʼs book, "Someone, or Water Heart" was published. Her next book for children, "E-e-stories of Eka the Excavator", was published in 2021.

In 2017, Victoriaʼs second novel "Home for Home" was published. The book was shortlisted for national and international awards: "LitAccent of the Year — 2017", the UNESCO City of Literature Award and the European Literary Award. Viktoria Amelinaʼs texts were published in Polish, Czech, German, Dutch and English translations.