
HACC confiscated all assets of Saldoʼs collaborator and former MP

Oleksiy Yarmolenko

The Appellate Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) left unchanged the decision on the confiscation of assets of collaborator and former MP Volodymyr Saldo. They also added part of his property to the confiscation.

The HACC press service writes about it.

The appeal did not satisfy the challenge of the court decision itself. At the same time, she satisfied the complaint of the Ministry of Justice, which asked to confiscate absolutely all of Saldoʼs assets.

The court charged another 55.56 and 40% of the authorized capital of two private enterprises in favor of the state. We are talking about Saldoʼs shares in the companies "BEBKO-AVTO" and "KONKA".