
MFA: Ukrainian embassies received animal eyes in bloodstained envelopes

Anhelina Sheremet

Ukrainian embassies in Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Croatia, Italy and consulates in Naples, Brno and Krakow received bloody packages containing animal eyes.

This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on December 2.

The packages themselves were soaked in a liquid of a characteristic color and had a corresponding smell. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is studying the meaning of this "message".

In addition, the entrance to the ambassadorʼs residence in the Vatican was vandalized, the embassy in Kazakhstan received a report of a mine attack, which was not confirmed later. The embassy in the USA received a letter with a photocopy of a critical article about Ukraine, it arrived simultaneously with others from the territory of one European country.

"We have reason to believe that a well-planned campaign of terror and intimidation of Ukrainian embassies and consulates is taking place. Not being able to stop Ukraine on the diplomatic front, they are trying to intimidate us. However, I can immediately say that these attempts are useless. We will continue to work effectively for the victory of Ukraine," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba.

The Ukrainian side cooperates with law enforcement officers of foreign countries to investigate all cases of threats. All Ukrainian embassies and consulates have now been placed under heightened security measures.