
”A mockery of justice.” The American Embassy issued a statement regarding the pseudo-tribunal over the defenders of Mariupol

Anhelina Sheremet

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine called the pseudo-tribunal, which the Russians are going to hold against the defenders of Mariupol, "a mockery of justice."

The statement was published on August 25.

"By planning so-called "tribunals" in Russian-controlled Mariupol against Ukrainian defenders, the Kremlin is trying to deflect responsibility for Putinʼs war of aggression and divert attention from compelling evidence of atrocities committed by Russian forces in Ukraine. The planned show trials are illegitimate and a mockery of justice.

"All servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including domestic and foreign volunteers included in the Armed Forces, have the right to prisoner of war status in accordance with the Geneva Conventions," the American Embassy noted.