
NAPC did not confirm the illegal enrichment of the SBU ex-general Vityuk. Earlier, journalists found his apartment for 21.5 million hryvnias

Iryna Perepechko

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) checked the former head of the Cyber Security Department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Illya Vityuk and found no signs of illegal enrichment.

About the results of the inspection, NAPC spoke in response to the request of the project "Investigation. Info".

NAPC completed the monitoring of the lifestyle of the SBU exhibitor on September 10 of this year. According to his results, no inconsistencies were found between Vityukʼs standard of living and the property and income he declared.

NAPC said that the price of the property owned by Vityuk and his family does not exceed the amount of the subsistence minimum by five hundred or more times. This could be a sign of illegal enrichment.

What preceded

On April 4, the journalist of the "Slidstvo.Info" project Yevhen Shulhat published an investigation into the fact that Vityukʼs wife bought an apartment in the capitalʼs premium residential complex in December 2023. The officialʼs declaration states that 12.8 million hryvnias were paid for the apartment, although its market value exceeds 20 million.

"Slidstvo.Info" stated that Vityukʼs official income would not be enough for this apartment. At the same time, his wife Yulia started doing business shortly after her husband was appointed to this position. SBU assured that her earnings are enough for the purchased real estate.

After that, the Agency for Journalistic Investigations stated that representatives of the Military Commissariat tried to serve a subpoena to their journalist Shulhat on the instructions of the SBU employee. In this way, the special services allegedly wanted to "punish" the investigator.

On April 9, the head of SBU Vasyl Malyuk removed Vityuk from the performance of official duties after an investigation by the journalists of “Slidstvo.Info".

On May 1, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Illya Vityuk from the position of head of the Department of Counterintelligence Protection of State Interests in Information Security of the Security Service of Ukraine.