
The IAEA confirmed that the power unit at the South Ukrainian NPP was stopped

Liza Brovko

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that last week one power unit of the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant stopped working due to a transformer problem.

The press service of the IAEA writes about this.

Last week, the IAEA team reported on the temporary shutdown of power unit No. 2 — the electrical protection tripped. The short circuit damaged the ceramic insulator, and this caused the oil to leak and catch fire.

After the electrical connection was restored, the power unit was restarted. It started supplying electricity to the grid after about 17 hours, and reached full capacity almost a day after the shutdown.

Information that three current transformers burned down at the South Ukrainian NPP in three days appeared on July 18. Then they wrote that the accidents occurred due to abnormal heat. The next day, Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko said that the claims about the accident at the nuclear power plant were a Russian fake.

His words were later refuted by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak, who received, upon request from “Ukrenergo”, information that an "extraordinary event" had indeed occurred at the South Ukrainian NPP, due to which the current transformers were damaged.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy continued to insist that the information about the accident at the South Ukrainian NPP was fake. There were several arguments in favor of this version.