
“Ukroboronprom”: German IFVs are already being restored in Ukraine in cooperation with “Rheinmetall”

Kostia Andreikovets


German-made infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) are already being restored on the territory of Ukraine in cooperation with the German concern “Rheinmetall”.

The General Director of the “Ukroboronprom” Herman Smetanin said this, ArmiyaInform reports.

According to him, the first machines are being restored within the framework of the agreement with “Rheinmetall”.

"Thus, we proved to foreign partners that we are capable of performing highly complex works. Foreigners have their own modern technologies, which are significantly different from what we are used to. However, Ukrainian professionals have gained extensive experience in repairing armored vehicles after battle damage, which has not been seen since the World War II. Therefore, their development did not become a problem," Smetanin noted.

He added that in the short term it is planned to start repairing artillery systems and in the future to produce Lynx BMP.

"The plans include further development and deepening of cooperation. In the short-term perspective, we will switch to the repair of artillery systems, as well as a large project — the production of the latest German Lynx IFVs at the joint venture site. It is a multi-purpose armored tracked platform that has great potential and will be extremely useful to our Defense Forces. Such a quick jump from the restoration of equipment to its production shows the high potential of partnership with German gunsmiths and trust in the level of professionalism of the Ukrainian defense industry," said Smetanin.