
The court chose a preventive measure for Mykola Tyschenko — round-the-clock house arrest

Kostia Andreikovets

On June 25, the Kyiv Pecherskyi District Court chose a preventive measure for Peopleʼs Deputy Mykola Tyshchenko — he was ordered to house arrest for 24 hours for 60 days.

The broadcast of the court session was shown by a number of publications.

The prosecutor proves in court that on the instructions of the peopleʼs deputy, a group of his people in uniform deprived him of his freedom and beat Dmytro "Syn" Pavlov, a former soldier of the Kraken special unit, in Dnipro.

In the morning , the peopleʼs deputy was informed about the suspicion of illegal deprivation of liberty of a person based on a previous group conspiracy (Part 2 of Article 146 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), which is punishable by up to 5 years of imprisonment. He was also searched, during which Tyshchenko broke his phone.

The prosecutor asked the court to place Tyshchenko under 24-hour house arrest with the wearing of an electronic bracelet, a ban on leaving Kyiv and the surrender of a foreign passport. He also informed the court that Tyshchenko broke not one, but two of his mobile phones, and asked to attach the corresponding video to the case file. The judge granted the request of the prosecutor — duties were imposed on Tyshchenko.

Tyshchenkoʼs version and his defense

Tyshchenkoʼs defense asked not to arrest the Peopleʼs Deputy, as this would paralyze the work of the Peopleʼs Deputy, prevent the reception of citizens, "paralyze" the work of the Verkhovna Rada committee and the parliament itself. The latter was explained by the fact that there are few deputies in the Council, so every vote is necessary. The lawyers generally stated that the suspicion was groundless, since the peopleʼs deputy allegedly could not agree in advance with his entourage (guards) about the attack on Pavlov.

Tyshchenko himself told the court his version of events on June 20. He stated that he was in the Dnipro for investigative actions, and already after their completion, three young men went to meet him (one of them with a child, that is, Pavlov). They allegedly started insulting and cursing the deputy.

"They defiantly began to insult me: "Hey, listen, what are you doing, head", to beat me. I reacted and made a remark to them," Tyshchenko said and declared about "bullying" and "abuse" of his assistant. After that, he said, he asked the policeman to "stop the attack on the peopleʼs deputy."

He also mentioned the policeman who was nearby — he allegedly did not like the photo on the documents of one of the young men, after which a representative of the TCC was called.

Tyshchenko claimed provocation. He could not explain in detail what kind of men in balaclavas and uniforms without identification marks were with him that day.