
Starting tomorrow, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will resume providing consular services to men of military age

Oleksandra Opanasenko

From May 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine resumes providing consular services to men of conscription age. Now, in addition to the required documents for a specific service, male applicants must submit their military registration document (MRD) in paper form or electronic form (e-MRD).

This is stated in the explanation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The paper document can be submitted only before the conscriptʼs electronic account starts working — there the document can be created independently. At the same time, in order to receive consular service, the MRD must be formed no earlier than three days before applying to the consulate. Otherwise, it must be created anew in the conscriptʼs electronic account.

What is considered a military registration document?

A paper military registration document (MRD) is a certificate of registration at a conscription station (issued to conscripts) or a military card or a temporary certificate of conscript (issued to conscripts).

That is, conscripts must have a certificate of registration at the conscription station, and conscripts and military servicemen must have a military card or a temporary certificate.

Paper military registration documents will be valid only until the launch of the conscriptʼs electronic account. After its launch, each applicant will be able to independently create a document in the electronic cabinet.

The electronic military registration document (e-MRD) will be displayed in the application on the userʼs smartphone. It will check data from the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists. From June 18, Ukrainians will be able to form it independently after updating the data in the conscriptʼs electronic account.

If the conscriptʼs electronic account has not yet been activated, but there is no paper document, Ukrainians can enter temporary consular registration or update their consular registration data. If the husband has a residence permit in a foreign country, he can add a copy of such permit to the documents for registration. This is a temporary solution until the possibility to issue the document independently appears in the conscriptʼs electronic account.

When is it not necessary to submit MRD?

What preceded

Since April 23, consular services have been suspended for Ukrainians of conscription age who are abroad. The restrictions will apply until the law on mobilization comes into force (May 18), after which consular services can be obtained after updating your data in the territorial recruit center (TRC).

One of the drafters of the law on mobilization, MP Fedir Venislavskyi explained to Babel that the rule on updating data when providing consular services aims to assess the real mobilization resource within the country. That is, the TRC will know that these people are abroad, they will not be looking for them in Ukraine and will spend appropriate resources on this.