
A priest beat a soldier in Khmelnytskyi: the court issued a verdict in the case

Liza Brovko

Last year, on April 2, in one of the temples of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in Khmelnytskyi , priest Ihor Slobodian beat military officer Artur Ananiev. Today, May 10, the subdeacon was sentenced.

This was reported by lawyer Andrii Yosypov.

The accused Slobodian was placed under probation supervision for a period of one year and six months, as well as imposed obligations under Article 59-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. That is, a clergyman must periodically appear for registration with the authorized body on probation issues, inform about places of residence, work, not to leave the borders of Ukraine, etc.

The military court partially satisfied the civil suit of the military officer — it charged the cleric 37,924 hryvnias for health damage and 50,000 hryvnias for moral damage.

Last year, in the temple of the UOC-MP, military serviceman Artur Ananiev asked: "How many more people must die so that you stop going to the Moscow Patriarchate?". For this, the priest and parishioners began to beat him. Then the police initiated criminal proceedings against the priests for group hooliganism.