
Speaker Johnson presented separate US aid plans for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Getty Images / «Babel'»

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson presented four separate bills on aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and national security priorities. Bills are scheduled to be submitted for consideration by the end of this week.

Johnson presented the corresponding plan during a closed meeting in the House of Representatives on April 15.

According to two Republicans who were at the meeting, Johnsonʼs plan is to move the four bills under one procedural rule that would allow the amendment process, writes The Hill. That is, each bill will be voted on separately, unlike the $95.3 billion bill passed by the Senate on aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, which should be voted on as a single package.

The fourth bill that Johnson proposes to introduce is related to national security and banning TikTok. The document also contains a provision that would allow the US to use confiscated Russian assets to aid Ukraine, a lend-lease act for military aid, convertible loans for humanitarian aid, and additional sanctions against Iran.

The texts of the draft laws will be published later on April 16. Johnson will then give 72 hours to review them before putting them up for a vote.

There are no border protection provisions in Johnsonʼs bills, says Republican Kevin Hearn. This could anger hardline conservatives, who argue that any aid to Ukraine must be accompanied by legislation to resolve the situation on the southern border. The White House opposes a separate bill on aid to Israel without aid to Ukraine, because "they have the same needs and enemies."

What about American aid to Ukraine

US military aid to Ukraine was exhausted at the end of 2023. Last year in October, Joe Biden submitted a request to Congress for the allocation of $106 billion, of which more than $61 billion is intended for Ukraine, mostly for the purchase of weapons from the United States. The rest of the funds from the package were intended for Israel, aid to the Asia-Pacific region, humanitarian activities in the Gaza Strip, etc. However, the request was not approved due to political disputes.

Subsequently, an alternative draft law appeared on the $95.34 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, of which $61 billion is for Ukraine. The US Senate voted for him on February 13. Both houses of the US Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) must approve the legislation before President Joe Biden can sign it. However, the US House of Representatives adjourned without voting for aid to Ukraine.