
The National Bank raised the dollar rate to a historic high

Liza Brovko

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The official exchange rate from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) was updated as of February 21. The exchange rate of the dollar to the hryvnia is now 38.4756 hryvnias per dollar, which is a new record.

The day before, on February 20, there was also a record (already broken) — 38.3847 hryvnias per dollar.

Meanwhile, relative to the euro, the Ukrainian hryvnia fell by 30 kopecks on February 21, as compared to February 20. Now, according to the official NBU exchange rate, it is UAH 41.5421 per euro.

What happens to the official exchange rate?

Since December 1, the National Bank has removed all restrictions for banks and non-bank financial institutions on the sale of currency to the public in order to minimize the difference between cash and non-cash exchange rates. Prior to this, the NBU introduced managed flexibility of the exchange rate, which compensates for the structural difference between the demand and supply of the currency.

On December 13, the official exchange rate of the dollar exceeded 37 hryvnias for the first time and amounted to 37.0245 hryvnias to the dollar. In just two weeks, it rose in price to a new historical maximum — up to 38.002 hryvnias for one dollar.