
GUR: Russian operators of Iranian-made drones are being trained in Syria

Liza Brovko

Russian drone operators are being trained at the Syrian airfield Shayrat for the war against Ukraine.

This was reported by the Main Directorate of Intelligence (also known as GUR).

"Lebanese Hezbollah Police" and "Iranian Revolutionary Guards" (IRGC) are training Russians on the territory of the Syrian military airfield Shayrat.

The course involves mastering the Iranian-made Shahed-136 and Ababil-3 UAVs and the Raad remotely controlled aircraft.

Military training for the occupiers was led by one of the commanders of Hezbollah, Kamal Abu Sadiq. His specialty is the manufacture and maintenance of drones.

Syrian mercenaries, whom Russia plans to involve in the war against Ukraine as UAV operators, are also training together with the Russians.