
Slovakia extended the ban on the import of agricultural products from Ukraine

Liza Brovko

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The government of Slovakia, led by Robert Fico, extended the ban on the import of agricultural products and food products from Ukraine or of Ukrainian origin.

Slovak media SITA writes about it.

Also, the Cabinet of Ministers of the country introduced a special mode of transit of such products from Ukraine through the territory of Slovakia, calling it a reaction to the lack of a systematic pan-European solution.

The ban initially applied to wheat, corn, canola and sunflower seeds, but the government has now extended the ban to 14 products, adding honey, malt, sugar, wheat flour, soybeans, cane sugar, barley and wheat bran.

What is known about the new government of Slovakia and its leader

Robert Fico from the pro-Russian party Smer became the prime minister of Slovakia for the fourth time. Prior to that, the parties "Course — Social Democracy" (Smer), "Hlas" and the Slovak National Party (SNS) signed an agreement on the coalition and redistribution of positions in the government, and also confirmed Slovakiaʼs foreign policy orientation towards NATO and the European Union. Later, Slovak Prime Minister Fico informed the European Commission that he would not provide military aid to Ukraine.