
The pro-Russian sect wanted to tell the world about the imminent apocalypse, and also about the great leader Putin. And it did, with the leading Ukrainian media helping it. What? Yes, it hurts

Dmytro Rayevskyi, Kateryna Kobernyk

Ангеліна Коткова / «Бабель»

On August 18, 2023, letters poured into Babelʼs editorial mail. Dozens of unknown people demanded to stop hiding the truth and publish the sensational address of the American scientist Egon Cholakian to the three world leaders "on whom the future of humanity depends" — Joseph Biden, Xi Jinping and (surprisingly) Vladimir Putin. In the address, Cholakian says that according to his observations, something bad is happening with the Earthʼs core, and there are only a few years left before the planet self-destructs. In order to prevent this, efforts should be united not only by politicians, but also by scientists. Cholakianʼs fans asked Babel to immediately follow the example of other Ukrainian media, which have already published news about the impending apocalypse. The Americanʼs statement was indeed published by several large news outlets, Ukrainian News, UNIAN and NV are among them. On the latter, the news that "the planet has a few years left" gained more than half a million views. UNIAN published it with the label "press release", i.e. as paid advertisement. We decided to find out who Egon Cholakian is, what he knows about the end of the world, and who is actively promoting the video with the face of the "global leader Putin" on the cover. The result surprised us. And most importantly, the end of the world is canceled.

First, who is Egon Cholakian

Cholakianʼs first video message on the topic appeared on his Earth Save Science Collaborative YouTube channel on August 13, 2023, the same day as the channel itself. In the video, Cholakyan talks for over an hour about the fact that due to numerous cataclysms and destructive processes in the core of the earth, the end of the world is only a few years away. On August 17, a second video was published by the channel, already with an address to "world leaders", in which Cholakyan repeated the previous theses, but briefly. On the cover of the second video are four faces — Cholakian himself, Joseph Biden, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. Also, in mid-August, the Earth Save Science Collaborative landing page appeared with Cholakyanʼs biography, his photo, and these two videos.

According to the biography, Allen Egon Cholakian graduated from Harvard Law School in 1972, worked as a tax analyst at the US Presidentʼs Commission on International Trade and Investment Policy, and, in general, spent most of his life as a specialist in international tax law and national security. Now he works as a federal lobbyist. At some point Cholakian became interested in physics, was a visiting researcher at Harvard and collaborated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. If the biography is to be believed, Cholakyan worked at the European Organization for Nuclear Research on the Future Circular Collider project — a new collider that should replace the Large Hadron Collider. He also worked on NISAR, a NASA project to create a satellite that should record natural processes on Earth. Now Cholakian is just a retired lawyer and physicist living in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

In Cholakyanʼs LinkedIn profile, there are almost no mentions of activities in the field of natural sciences. Although his education and the number of declared jobs are impressive — there are dozens of them. Almost all of them are somehow related to law sphere, as well as national and cyber security. There are mentions of work at CERN and NASA, but without details.

Cholakyanʼs Facebook page also suggests that he has achieved a lot in his life. In 2020 alone, he studied at six different programs at top American and European universities. And he himself claims to be a certified specialist in psychological assistance who works with the topics of grief and loss. He allegedly completed such courses in Australia.

Another strange fact is that the "scientist" regularly distributes the posts of the head of the Ukrainian party "National Platform" Kateryna Odarchenko without translation into English. For example, a few days before the full-scale invasion, he reposted a speech in which Odarchenko argued that Putin would not dare launch a major offensive. Odarchenko spoke Ukrainian. Cholakianʼs posts are mostly liked by people with empty profiles and no followers.

Cholakian also often publishes his photos with various scientists, politicians and famous people, but from completely different spheres — from the former director of the CIA Stansfield Turner to the ex-president of North Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov.

earthsavesciencecollaborative / «Бабель»

earthsavesciencecollaborative / «Бабель»

earthsavesciencecollaborative / «Бабель»

Allen Egon Cholakian was called a world-renowned scientist in the letters that flooded Babelʼs mail, but there is not much information about him on the Internet, except for his pages in social networks. A person with this surname really appears among the authors of reports of various CERN projects. But those reports have more than a thousand authors, so it is difficult to understand exactly what Cholakian did for CERN. In the descriptive part of the reports, he is listed as an employee of Harvard University and Columbia Universityʼs Nevis Labs research center. At the same time, there is no mention of Cholakian on the page of the physics faculty at Harvard. Cholakian himself clarifies in his biography that there he was a researcher in the field of national security, not physics. We have not found information about his work at Columbia University.

In the biography it is written that Cholakian participated in the NISAR and FCC projects, but these are unfinished projects. The NISAR satellite is planned to be launched in 2024, and the new collider after 2040. What is the role of the retired physicist in these projects — we do not know, but Cholakian definitely could not use the NISAR satellite to observe some threatening natural processes.

Babel sent official requests to CERN and NASA to find out if Egon Cholakian really cooperated with these organizations and what exactly he was doing there. We will publish the answers as soon as we receive them.

Allen Egon Cholakian.

earthsavesciencecollaborative / «Бабель»

How did the video appear? Who promotes it?

On July 9, 2023, a month before the Earth Save Science Collaborative channel appeared, Cholakian spoke on the same topic at the online conference Global Crisis. There is a Way Out, which was conducted by the organization Creative Society. There, in the same scenery as in the following videos, he talked about the imminent end of the world and the need to unite to save humanity. It was the members of the Creative Society who promoted Cholakyanʼs statement in social networks — for example, created live events on Facebook, or recorded the statement.

Creative Society positions itself as an international volunteer movement engaged in the improvement of society. But, in fact, this is a rebranding of the AllatRa organization, which appeared in the early 2010s in Ukraine, and then opened representative offices in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the USA and EU countries. AllatRa is often called a sect and a pseudo-scientific syncretic cult, the ideas of which are similar to the beliefs of the famous White Brotherhood sect. This cult actively promoted its activities and recruited new members until 2018. After that, it started working under the new international brand Creative Society.

Ihor Danilov, one of the founders of AllatRa was present at the conference where Cholakyan spoke in early July. Russian geophysicist Elizaveta Khromova was among the speakers, who confirmed that the Earthʼs core is in bad shape and the end of the world is not far off. Khromova is also known for her statements about the need for the unity of the Slavic peoples under the wing of Russia.

AllatRa is often accused of supporting Russian propaganda. In the book "Crossroads. Primordial Shambhala" by one of the founders of the organization Anastasia Novykh, the biography of the tsar-savior of mankind Nomo resembles the biography of Vladimir Putin. While AllatRa operated mainly in Eastern Europe, it promoted the idea of uniting the Slavic peoples. Now, under the global brand Creative Society, the organization talks about the importance of peace on the whole planet, criticizes the modern global economy and calls Putin one of the world leaders. "AllatRa" was banned in Russia also, but just recently — on August 9, 2023.

In 2022, Creative Society also held a Global Crisis conference, but on a different topic. At that time, the members of the organization said that greenhouse gases do not affect climate change in any way — it is simply a worldwide conspiracy and the "scam of the century". They also criticized alternative fuel projects and encouraged the use of oil and gas. Russia actively promotes this thesis through loyal bloggers in social networks.

After the 2022 conference, a scandal broke out. It turned out that some scientists were tricked into it. For example, the director of the International Center for Climate Change and Development in Bangladesh, Saleemul Huq, said that he simply recorded a short video at the request of volunteers and did not know in what context it would be shown. After the conference, he prohibited Creative Society from using his name and quotes. And the State Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment of Slovakia, Juraj Smatana, said that his report was edited in such a way that it seems that he agrees with the Creative Society theses.

And most importantly, when is the apocalypse?

Babel asked Ukrainian scientists what they thought about Egon Cholakyanʼs address and his predictions about the state of the Earthʼs core and the end of the world. It turned out that they are hearing about Cholakyan himself for the first time, and they consider his calls to scientists to unite to be at least strange.

"The land was explored for 11 just kilometers — this is the depth of the largest well. And the radius of the Earth is thousands of kilometers. How is it possible to talk about what is happening inside from the information collected actually from the surface? And pretending to be so sure?” ― says the director of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Oleksandr Kendzera.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Space Physics Department of the Kyiv National University Physics Faculty Hennadiy Milinevskyi says that in general there is nothing new in the statements about the deterioration of the planetʼs condition. However, Cholakyan predicts the end of the world in a few years without real facts, connections and models. In addition, the association of scientists with the highest qualifications on the above-mentioned issues has existed for a long time — it is the IPCC panel, which regularly issues reports on climate problems.

Head of the laboratory of applied climatology of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Svitlana Krakovska, who also works on IPCC reports, briefly told Babel that she considers Cholakyanʼs statement a scam. She, like us, tried to find some specific data about his scientific activity, but did not find it.

Already after we finished the text, street advertisement of Creative Society appeared in Kyiv.

Translated from Ukrainian by Anton Semyzhenko.

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