
Hladkovskyiʼs son was informed of the suspicion of embezzlement at the defense plant

Anna Kholodnova

NABU and SAPO reported in absentia about the suspicion of the son of the former First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleh Hladkovskii, Ihor, and the ex-director of Ukrspecexport, Pavel Bukin.

This is reported by Bihus.Info.

The investigation established that Bukin, the former manager of Ukrspecexport, concluded an agreement with a company controlled by Hladkovskyi to purchase onboard radio-electronic equipment for approximately $450,000. The price turned out to be inflated almost 7 times.

Ihor Hladkovskyi is currently outside Ukraine.

What is the case?

In 2019, a Bihus.Info investigation revealed that the son of the Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleg Hladkovskyi is one of the organizers of embezzlement schemes in the defense complex.

According to the investigation, defense factories purchased parts for equipment from Russia, and spare parts were smuggled in without quality checks. Contraband was laundered through firms controlled by persons close to Ukroboronprom. The owner of Optimumspetsdetali Andrii Rogoza and his business partner Vitaly Zhukov, are also involved in the scheme.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau announced suspicions against six persons involved in the case of embezzlement of funds in the field of defense.

Subsequently, the Podilskyi District Court ordered the journalists of Bihus.Info to refute the information about the involvement of Ihor Hladkovskyi in embezzlement in the field of defense, but the Kyiv Court of Appeal overturned this decision.

At the end of December 2020, NABU completed the investigation against Gladkovskyʼs son.

On April 22, 2021, NABU declared Igor Hladkovsky wanted, and on April 26, he was handed an indictment.