
Bloomberg: The next summit on the Ukrainian peace formula will be held in Turkey

Liza Brovko

A meeting of allies regarding the Ukrainian peace formula will take place in Turkey at the end of October.

"Bloomberg" writes about this with reference to sources.

It is expected that the summit will be held in Istanbul. There will be, in particular, representatives of the United States, but the Administration of President Joe Biden has not yet determined who exactly will participate.

Officials will persuade countries that have largely remained neutral in Russiaʼs war against Ukraine, such as Brazil and India, to oppose the Kremlin. Allies see the summit as an opportunity for Ukraine to explain its position directly to these countries.

The allies also want China to participate in the next round of talks on the Ukrainian peace formula, but it is not yet known whether Beijing will send a representative.

Russia was not invited to the meeting, as well as to previous meetings in Denmark and Saudi Arabia.

What is the "Ukrainian peace formula" from President Zelensky?

On November 15, 2022, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky presented the Ukrainian Peace Formula in a speech to the participants of the G20 Summit in Bali. Here is what it provides:

In August, the meeting in Saudi Arabia was attended by representatives of more than 40 countries from Europe, the Middle East and Asia, Africa, North and South America, as well as UN officials. They considered Volodymyr Zelenskyʼs peace plan. In particular, it provides that any negotiations with the Russian Federation can begin only after the return of all occupied lands. China was also at the meeting.