
Ukrainian Ukrspecsystems has created a new Mini Shark drone

Kostia Andreikovets

The Ukrspecsystems company has created a new Mini Shark drone for aerial reconnaissance.

Mini Shark is a reduced model of the Shark UAV of the same name, which has proven well at the front. The new drone is also designed to detect ground targets and transmit data but weighs 5 kg, which allows it to be launched by hand.

On the companyʼs website and social networks, it is indicated that the Mini Shark operates within a radius of 35 km (radio range) and can fly for two hours. Its maximum speed is 120 km/h. The wingspan is 2.6 meters, the length is 125 cm.

This drone should be presented at the IDEF 2023 exhibition in Istanbul, which will last from July 25 to 28. The Page writes with reference to the press service of the company that Mini Shark will be presented for the international market, pre-sale is already open.

One unmanned aircraft complex includes two Mini Sharks, two USG-261 hangers (cameras), equipped with an optical-electronic system with the ability to enlarge the image x10, a mobile control station, spare parts, and accessories. The whole complex fits in two backpacks.