
Bloomberg: South Africa guaranteed diplomatic immunity to the participants of the BRICS summit, which Putin plans to attend

Oleksiy Yarmolenko
Bloomberg: South Africa guaranteed diplomatic immunity to the participants of the BRICS summit, which Putin plans to attend

Getty Images / «Babel'»

The Republic of South Africa has informed that it will grant diplomatic immunity to the participants of two meetings during the BRICS summit. Russian President Putin plans to visit it.

Bloomberg writes about it.

The immunity will extend to the BRICS foreign ministers — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They will gather for a meeting on June 1-2 in Cape Town.

The leaders of the states who will come to the summit in South Africa on August 22-24 will also receive immunity.

“This is a standard grant of immunity that we do for all international conferences and summits held in South Africa, regardless of the level of participation. Immunities are for the conference and not for specific individuals. They are intended to protect the conference and its participants from the jurisdiction of the host country for the duration of the conference," the Department of International Relations and Cooperation noted.

But it emphasized that these immunities "do not take precedence over any warrant that could be issued by any international tribunal against any member of the conference."