
Already 350 OnlyFans models have filed income tax returns — in total they have paid almost UAH 60 million in taxes

Olha Bereziuk

Ангеліна Коткова / «Бабель»

Already 350 Onlyfans models have filed declarations of assets and income, declaring 305.4 million hryvnias in income.

This was reported by the chairman of the budget and finance committee of the Verkhovna Rada Danylo Hetmantsev.

According to him, these models paid 50 million hryvnias in personal income taxes and military levies.

He separately noted that he would insist that a draft law on decriminalization of Article 301 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (distribution of pornography) be included on the Rada agenda.

What preceded

In August 2023, the Rada registered draft law No. 9623, which concerns the decriminalization of porn.

The document provides for the abolition of criminal liability for everything stipulated in Articles 301 and 302 of the Criminal Code, except:

He also proposes to increase penalties for child pornography and the distribution of pornography among children.

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