
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on Keith Kelloggʼs candidacy for the post of special envoy for Ukraine

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Heorhiy Tykhyi commented on the candidacy of retired general Keith Kellogg for the post of special envoy for Ukraine.

Tykhyi spoke about this at the briefing.

Tykhyi noted that Kellogg has "colossal" experience in the field of national security and defense. He has deep views and understands how Russian aggression against Ukraine is taking place.

At the same time, Tykhyi noted that it is too early to make any other comments about Kellogg, because it will depend on specific joint work with him. According to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ukrainian delegations met with Kellogg on the sidelines of diplomatic events.

For example, Kellogg was among the special guests at a speech by President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Reagan Institute during his visit to the United States in July 2024. Therefore, Ukraine is looking forward to active interaction with Kellogg in a new role.

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