
Ex-MP Solvar was sentenced to prison for the second time for housing scams

Olha Bereziuk

Слово і діло

The Appellate Chamber of the Higher Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) found former the MP Ruslan Solvar guilty of illegally receiving compensation for housing, despite having his own apartment in Kyiv.

This was reported in the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutorʼs Office (SAP).

SAP does not specify the name of the person involved in the case, but from its details it is clear that it is about Solvar.

The appeal overturned the previous decision of HACC dated June 14, 2021, declaring Solvar innocent and passed a new verdict: guilty under part 2 of Art. 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — abuse of office.

The ex-MP was sentenced to three years in prison, banned from holding positions in state authorities (except for elected ones) for one year, and fined 8 500 hryvnias.

The decision takes effect from the moment of its announcement, it can be appealed in the cassation procedure to the Supreme Court within three months.