
Collaborator Saldo is suspected of stealing 3 000 tons of Ukrainian grain

Liza Brovko

Volodymyr Saldo, appointed by the Russian occupiers as the "governor" of the Kherson region, was informed of the suspicion of stealing almost 3 000 tons of Ukrainian grain.

This was reported by the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office.

According to the investigation, the collaborator was appointed "governor" of the Kherson region in 2022. He took advantage of his position and put pressure on local business representatives, and also helped seize and loot businesses.

In the fall of 2022, Saldo ordered the creation of a temporary administration at the occupied Kherson Bakery Plant, in which more than 30 000 tons of grain and industrial crops were stored.

In the interests of the military and political leadership of Russia, he ordered the export of grain from Kherson. The occupiers managed to take the 2021 barley harvest, weighing more than 2.8 thousand tons and worth almost 15 million hryvnias, from Kherson to the territory controlled by the Russian Federation in three barges.

Volodymyr Saldo is a former deputy of the Kherson City Council. After the full-scale Russian invasion, he sided with the occupiers, who appointed him the head of the occupation administration of Kherson, in June 2022 he received Russian citizenship. EU, USA, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Ukraine imposed sanctions against Saldo. He has been wanted in Ukraine since December 2022.